Perception with UBR-1¶
UBR-1 comes with higher level robot functions which can be used as building blocks when creating your robot application. One of the key building blocks of robot applications is perception. UBR-1 comes with a complete sensor suite for perceiving the world around it, as well as software tools to carry out basic perception tasks.
Using Camera Data¶
This section provides an overview of how to access the head camera data and some of the popular ROS vision tools available on UBR-1.
The head camera in the UBR-1 is capable of producing both 2d and 3d images. These are available over ROS topics, of both sensor_msgs/Image and sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. The first thing you might notice when looking at the available ROS topics, is that there are a lot of them that start with head_camera. The drivers for the head camera allow access to a number of different image and point cloud formats, in color and monochrome, at a selection of frequencies, and at a number of different resolutions.
TODO: describe available topics in detail.
TODO: describe topics available
TODO: cv_bridge with python/C++
TODO: overview of opencv features
TODO: overview of PCL features
Basic Grasping Perception¶
The basic_grasping_perception package allows the robot to segment the world into objects and support surfaces, and then plan grasps to those objects. basic_grasping_perception is used in the pick and place demo.